Wednesday, September 3, 2008


No - I didn't just decide to pound on the keys instead of writing an actual title. Those lovely letters stand for MethyleneTetraHydroFolate Reductase Gene Mutation. And that my friends is what I have. I am officially mutated. Well at least two of my genes are. Both the C677T and A1298C. So if I recall all the info the nurse rattled off to my over the phone I am double heterozygous because both genes are affected and I only recieved the mutation from one of my parents.

So with all the medical mumble jumble aside it boils down to this. If we do decide to get pregnant again I will be put on a regimen of folate with B6 and B12. MTHFR apparently reduces my ability to absorb the folate so the B vitamins will help with the absorption. Then if I do get pregnant I will be placed on daily heparin injections. The MTHFR can also cause blood clots. So although they can't promise me one way or another that this was the issue with Leah, the Dr wants to take all precautions and assume it may be a factor.

So that's the latest update in this saga. I still have to see a Rheumatologist and Neurologist but at least we're heading in the right direction.


Heather said...

Wow, Amy. That's a mouthful. How are you feeling to know all of that? I'm thankful that it is something that they can help with, at least. Hugs, girl!

Crystal said...

I thought you were trying to swear... Mother F-er....
