Any way....... here's a little bit of what's been happening!
On the 24th we celebrated out 6 year anniversary! Hard to believe it's been six years already. Time sure has flown. Together we've celebrated the the most joyful times in our lives and mourned the worst loss imaginable. We've changed and grown (mentally, emotionally and physically) and through it all we've come to settle in our roles as husband and wife, mom and dad and the best of friends. There's no one on earth I'd rather share my life with.

We spent a week camping at the end of August. What an amazing week it was. We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. Mid to high 70's, just warm enough to swim at the beach but not to warm that we were ever uncomfortable. We cooked most of our meals over an open fire and just relaxed. It had been a long time since we were able to just let everything go and focus on us as a family.

The big one started kindergarten. What an adjustment it's been. For me anyway. He absolutely loves it. He goes all day, five days a week and this definitely puts a damper on all our fun. Now all our fun has to be scheduled into the weekend. Where as before we would do all kinds of stuff during the week when crowds were at a minimum and spend the weekends just chilling out with family. He also gets pretty upset when he hears we did something during the day that he likes to do. So this darn school thing had put me in a damned if I do damned if I don't predicament. I feel guilty if we do things with out him, but I feel guilty for not doing enough with the other two.
Motormouth started preschool as well. He's happy to have somewhere to go a couple days a week. He was a little upset that his brother wasn't in his class again this year, but got over it pretty quickly.

As for Captain Crazy Pants, well, he's just as crazy as ever. He loves having me all to himself two mornings a week. We'll be starting a mom and me play class tomorrow. That should be fun.
A lot of other junk has been going on too. But nothing too exciting!
1 comment:
Girl, I so hear you on the kindergarten messing up our fun. I'm not in love with it. She, on the other hand, loves it. But, like your Big Guy, gets so upset when she hears what we've done without her. It's a crazy balance and I've yet to find it :)
Glad you're back, by the way!
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