Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Hangover

The presents are all unwrapped, the tree is gone and the parties are over. So now what? I seriously think I'm suffering a holiday hangover. We spent months getting ready. Thinking about Christmas day. Making plans. And in one day it's over. Valentines day items have taken over the shelves and soon we'll be seeing Easter.

I just wish it could all linger a little longer. Maybe hear the holiday music a day or two longer. Let me ease out of being in overdrive. Now I'm bored out of my mind. I feel like I should still be doing 20,000 different things, but really - I just have 20,000 loads of laundry that are waiting on me.

So I here I sit. A little bored, feeling nostalgic that the year is almost over, and pondering what the new year will bring us.

I hope your Holiday was as fabulous as ours and that your new year brings you nothing but joy, laughter and happiness!!

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