Up for grabs is a $15 gift card to
AppleBee's, Chili's or Joe's Crab Shack - YOUR choice! All I ask in return is that you leave a comment with at least one unique fact about yourself and what restuarant you would like the gift card for.
I will choose a winner at random
Friday morning - so be sure you've left me some juicy little tidbits about yourself before then! Please be sure I have a valid email address to contact you at!!
Head on over to
Bloggy Giveaways to see all the other giveaways waiting to be won!
1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»A unique fact about me? Hmmm. I'm pretty ordinary, but here goes... I'm the oldest of 4 girls and I have two sons. I read at least one book a week, sometimes two or three. I love chocolate and hate most vegetables...
Great giveaway. Thanks!
I like to sing but no one really knows it... I even went to a National solo competition when I was in highschool! And I'd totally use this for Chili's!
A unique fact about me: I am a doula in training, and once certified, will be 1 of only 2 in our area...
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Be sure to check out my giveaway too:
I must have a box fan on high when I sleep and this is year round-mr gp detests the fan but I assume my need for a fan stems from growing up on the farm with my g'ma and g'pa and not having A/C
Nothing juicy going on here! Please enter me anyway. LOL
My unique fact? I am addicted to the pc game The Sims 2. Not many people know that.
Thanks for hosting the great giveaway! I'd love to win a Chili's card!
My second toe is longer than the first. I've never eaten at AppleBee's so I'd like to try that. :D
Um, something interesting about me is that I am about to have a baby,my first. I am married to a musician,a blues musician.Also,we don't have any of those restaurants in town so could it be Pizza Hut??
I kinda rock at Guitar Hero.
Great giveaway!
I never fully close my dresser drawers all teh way and it drives my husband mad!
I would love a chilis card, I have never been there!
Ok, first things first...when getting a plastic lid for adrink from a soda fountain, I never take the top one. I pick one out of the middle because I guess I think no one has touched it. (Also, I'm not really a germaphobe...just this one thing).
I'd use this gc at Applebees during happy hour with 1/2 price apps to make the most of it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Good prize, chicky! I've got to get mine up soon! A fact about me? Let's see. I am dying to get out and play softball again. I played in high school and I'm too chicken because I think it's been so long that I'd suck. And, you know my motto.... :)
Also, Joe's Crab Shack, baby!
I am the mother of 4 boys!
Would love to go to Applebees!
Applebees is our favorite date spot! Hmm - unique fact RELATING to Applebees is that the first salad I ever ENJOYED eating was the oriental chicken salad at Applebees - now I really like most salads :)
Applebees! Love their Blondie.
What's unique about me? I love to organize parties, and I'm VERY good at it. Everything is in order... but the rest of my life is in constant unorganization. lol
I love knitting and my favorite color is blue.
I love Applebee's because they give balloons to the kdis.
um...I can't get up in the middle of the night w/o re- brushing my teeth!
I love home decorating and watch HGTV shows obsessively. I am always rearranging things and trying new painting techniques. I would love the applebees card. Thank you!
Unique fact... I won a Cum Laude award for a National Latin test in high school and I'm still baffled at how I did so well on the test. (I think my teacher was, too!)
Oh, and I would love a GC to Chilli's!!!!
Unique... well, I've got nothing. But I'm a mom to a girl and two boys and would love a date night out to Chili's!
Hmmm...I lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil for a couple of years.
Applebee's all the way, Baby!
I am doing my first sprint triathlon in early September.
I would love Applebees!
I just celebrated my Golden Wedding Anniversary!
I'd like to go to Chili's. Thank you.
I guess I'm unique because I have 9 kids. (At least, that's the reaction I get.) I would use it for Chili's.
please enter me for chilis! i have a fear of ronald macdonald. seriously
I'd like Chili's if I won!
Unique fact. I wasn't supposed to have kids due to a kidney disease I had as a child. I have two BEAUTIFUL children (check them out on my blog) and had no problems with either pregnancy.
I was raised half-Catholic and half-Jewish. (Mom went to Catholic school her whole life and Dad was a cantor) Talk about guilt! Applebees please.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I love to read true crime and fifteenth and sixteenth century books so alternate between the two.
I would love the Applebees gc. My girlfriend and I love to go to lunch there.
My unique fact? When I park my car it has to parked perfectly straight, not crooked at all or anything like that. Since the nearest Chili's or Joe's is 2 hrs away, I guess I'll go with the Applebee's gc.
A unique fact about me? There are so many to choose from. I guess not many people know that I was once in the running for the All-American Soap Box Derby Queen. I didn't win, but got to do a lot of cool events and parades. I even learned "the wave"- elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist. :o)
I LOVE Applebee's! We ate there this weekend!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Unique fact, hmm. My dream job is, drumroll...librarian. I'd love to be surrounded with books all day, and get paid for it!
Applebees would be great.
I think i'm an angel :) I'm having so much fun blog hopping. Great giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky winner :) I'd go with applebee's :)
i'm really short 4'9" that's like the state says I need to be in a booster seat short lol!!
Applebees please!
I'll take Chili's please.
One unique thing is I've had a nose job and then a second one to fix the first.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Chili's is the only one of those restaurants in the area... so I choose that!
One interesting fact: I got SCUBA certified at age 20, but now need to promise the life insurance company that it was a young adventure and I'll never do it again! LOL!
One unique fact is that I'm due with my 2nd child in a little over 2 weeks!! I'd love to win!! Thanks! Chili's-YUM!
A unique fact? umm... I like to play disc golf!
for chili's please!
i was born with 2 thumbs on one hand!!! they tied a string around it to cut off circulation and left a little nubbin.
Chili's for me! Something unique about me is that when I was a child I accidently cut my tongue in half. Don't worry it healed:)
Chili's for me.
Fact about me - I like to organize my groceries on the check out belt at the store.
For fun I sometimes organize my clothes closet by color! I pick AppleBees!
I always order the same thing at Applebee's...their Fajita Chicken Roll-up! Yum! I could go for one or two of those right now...Say, I suddenly realized I am very hungry. I've been doing this Bloggy Giveaways all afternoon! Must Eat!!!
I work at home. I've been doing this since I was 17. I'd love to win the AppleBee's gift card.
I am ambidextrous! I'd like the Chili's card. I'd love to win. Thanks for the giveaway. cdziuba@aol.com
I would pick Applebee's. I can drum my toes :)
I told my hubby that I liked to mow the lawn before we got married ('cause I really did). After we got married, I decided I didn't like to mow anymore and he still gives me grief about it. I would like Applebee's.
I would love this for Joe's Crab shack! (I love their banana's foster!)
My unique fact, I have six children, only one of them is a boy! I plan on having more
I'd go for any, if I won, you could choose for me. An interesting fact?? My dad is a famous jazz musician!
I can pick things up with my toes! lol. ppreacherswife at gmail dot com
a unique fact.... i'm on a conference call at work right now. :)
I'm a HUGE Red Sox fan :) Would like the Chili's GC if I win - thanks! :)
Unique fact about me: I am the youngest of my family. I have six older brothers.
I would choose Applebees. Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
I am the oldest of 15 kids between my biological parents. I'm 29 and the youngest is 3 (ok I feel old again). And I'd choose Applebee's because thats in our town. Thank you so much for the great giveaway.
Chili's! Me and my friends like to go their, and this way I could treat them to an appetizer!
I LOVE reading classics. I wish I could write like Charles Dickens.
Applebee's would be great. One of our fav family restaurants! Unique fact - I used to play base drum in marching band in highschool.
I can twitch my nose like a rabbit. And I'd love a gift card for Applebees please!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
Applebee's yummy! I love the oriental chicken salad but it doesn't love me! So I go for the weight watchers confetti chicken, lots of taste and little on the waist. (HeHe I just made that up) Thanks for hosting!
I'm addicted to blogs!!
My hair is proof that interracial relationships are not always a good idea . . . oh yeah, and I love Chili's.
Something unique? How about the fact that I have never held a driver's licence, yet could have gotten one years and years ago?
If I won, I would likely pick a Chili's gift certificate.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
I work with clowns. Real ones. I'd love a Chili's card.
My husband and I LOVE Chili's! A unique fact about me... well, I don't think it's so unique, but I'm pregnant and my baby likes to use my bladder as a trampoline! I'm guessing all pregnant women can relate to that one! :)
Have you had the southwestern eggrolls at Chili's? They're delicious!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Chili's - 'cause I know we have one nearby!
And, I grew up in the sub-Arctic and my husband grew up in Indonesia - and somehow we met and married in the middle!
We love Chili's!
I am not very unique. How about that I am a homeschool mom of 3!
hmmm...a unique fact about me. I enjoy cleaning our toilets...something about the satisfaction of seeing it gleaming white makes me happy!! :) Weird, I know!!
I'd pick Chili's...love love LOVE their chipolte chicken fingers!!
I'm a mom of twins, my grandmother was a twin, the twins' dad's grandmother was a twin, and I am step-grandma to twins.
How about a Chili's gift card? Thanks!
Hi, I'm a mom of 2 small boys, a high school teacher and I start all my flowers in my garden from seed! Would love to win a gc! Thanks
I would pick the Chili's card and thank you!
Something kinda unique is that I am left handed. I like to learn words or phrases in different languages. I am going back to school at 40ish. :-)
Let's see ... something unique... I love sprinkling black pepper over my vanilla icecream! It gives it a great 'kick'....weird I know!!
I can recite the alphabet without looking backwards (pretty quickly too). I would love an Applebee's card!
Hmm, something unique...
I love goat milk!! :)
My hubby and I would use this at Chili's!
flowers7886 at gmail dot com
I would love a gift card to Joe's Crab Shack ....sorry..I am not that unique..I just like to do crafts and such. :D
I'd like applebees!
something unique about myself, I like to eat lemons. thanks!
jes (AT) beauty from chaos (dot) com
I am a reformed gamer. And I'm not talking about Tetris, I'm talking about an MMORPG similar to World of Warcraft called Lineage 2. I played it for about two years. It was mind-numbing and turned me into a potty mouth. So I redirected my energies into blogging, and I'm a much better person for it. :P
Thanks for this opportunity!
kvicker at hotmail dot com
Hi, I'm new to your blog, but would love to be entered in your giveaway. I'm not very unique, at least, I don't think I am. I'm a full time nursing student with two kids, a house and a husband, my life is CRAZY! We'd totally use it for Chili's so my hubby and I could have a date night! Our anniversary was June 17th and we STILL haven't gone out for it! Thanks!
Lovely blog! I would love the crab shack gift card. A fact about me...I love to play with clay!! Come and check out my creations...
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I love Chili's! I have hopes of running lots of hal-marathons in the future! Great giveaway. thanks!
Please check out my giveaway at www.toddlertailoring.blogspot.com
My fact: I am a garage sale junkie!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love to meet adoptive moms through blogs!
Thanks for the chance.
I was diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 34 and never knew I had it. A miracle is working in me as I do everything in my power and that of God's above to be straight, healthy and have a happy heart. Check it out at www.yourhappyhearts.com Thanks a ton.
A unique fact....hmmm. I have been to almost 100 concerts in my relatively short lifetime. Over 30 of those have all been the same band.
I have a one year old and he runs me raged....that is not interesting but its the truth. My husband and I would love to have this giveaway for a date night! THanks
Our Joe's Crab Shack just shut down, bummer! I'm an Applebee's frequenter, so that's the card for me!
Hmm, I have 7 kids and I DO know what causes that, and we are very, very good at it!
I would like the Applebee's card.
One thing about me is that I am 39 and the grandmother to 3 (almost 4 in Dec)
I'd pick applebee's. I love their blondie dessert!
Unique...I once had pet squirrels. Not by choice.
Applebees because I keep hearing they have a fabulous molton chocolate cake there. :) Interesting fact: I play the harp! Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com
Let's see... I am the oldest of 4 kids and when I was 17 I went on a mission trip to Panama for a month and it changed my life! Hope that is interesting enough....I am not that unusual! :) I would love an Applebees card!
I can sleep with my eyes open.
Applebee's Thanks
email in profile
Applebee's please.
About me - I was valedictorian of my graduating class, something most people wouldn't guess...
Well...I have a dishwasher that works perfectly but I much prefer to wash dishes by hand. Weird, huh? :)
And I would use it for Applebees. Yum!
I like to dance when no one watching. THanks for the chance to win.
Not sure how interesting this is, but I love baking and make killer brownies!
hmmmm....I come from a big family. I'm the oldest of 8.
Something unique about me is that I live in the crater of an old volcano...go figure that they would build a town here...
I would love the Chilis GC.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
i heart joes crab shack! thanks!
i love watching football . . . more than my hubby!
An interesting fact- I love Feta cheese crumbles and will eat them straight out the container :) I would love to win the Applebee's GC! Thank you for the giveaway!
i dont know if its unique more of pain sometimes but i have a hard time falling alseep so i tend to sleep either 5 or 8 am especailly now since i have no job, applebees please
I am super woman -- honestly, I am just your average single mom, doing the best I can. I would love to have a Chili's card!!
AppleBee's please!
Every two weeks or so we go out to visit the husband's parents and usually hit one of three fast food restaurant on the way home. Right next door to them is half a dozen great eateries including Applebee's and Chilis, which temp me mightily.
Armed with a gift card I can strong arm the husband into stopping by AppleBees one night, or calling in a car side to go order.
Great Bloggy Carnival giveaway!
I love to dance. I would like to enter for Applebees Thanks!
Chili's. I can make a smile with my forhead.:)
I was an honor graduate in high school and now am a stay at home Mommy...And love every minute of it!
A unique thing about me is that I love to talk. I am KNOWN for the fact that I talk on the phone immediately after getting into the car & am always on the phone or a forum online! I'm listening to books on cd to help ease my talking while driving syndrome.
Neat idea!
We'd love to try Joe's Crab Shac!
I love chili's!
Unique fact about me? Well, I love to do "old lady" things like quilt, crochet, sew, and sit on the porch and talk! :)
a juicy tid bit huh? hmmm, i'm a late night snacker and i love to drive, fast sometimes even
Hooray for Giveaways! I have a tattoo of a teddy bear... and would love to go to Chili's!
I only wear Silver Jewelry ,my favorite color is Black,I drive a
Canary colored car (why ,,,because it's unique)and you will see it parked at Applebee's once a week!
Unique fact: I am a twin!
I'd would use the gift card at chilis definetly!!
A unique fact, I am a leftie. I still drive the first car I ever purchased. I gave birth to my middle child at home, very unique to the area, lol.
I like to sit in the kiddie pool with my son in the summer. :)
Thanks for the great giveaway - I would love to win the Applebee's gift card. :)
Adopted a baby girl on Christmas eve in 2005. We didn't tell relatives just showed up Christmas morning with her.
Would use the card for Applebee's. Haven't been there in years!
I'm really good at computer solitaire-in fact it's the only game that I can beat my husband at.
I would love to win a gc for Chilis. My tidbit is that I have a huge sweet tooth. I made my husband take me out for ice cream after dinner last night and I made cookies tonight after dinner. I hide candy in the pantry so my husband doesn't know how much I eat.
Hmmmm... something unique. I'm not really that interesting, sadly. I can stick my right leg behind my neck, is that unique enough? I'd like the Crab Shack card. I love Joe's!
I hate to have my eyelashes wet! (They are long and they stick all together and stick into my eyes and it's not good!)
Applebee's would be great! Thank you!
art and nature [at] juno *dot* com
I like to wake up in the middle of the night to see how many hours and minutes I have left to sleep. If it's more than three hours, I'm happy. If it's less, I'm not.
I like Red Robin!
i'm really a quiet person. I would like a Chili's card
I would like the Chili's giftcard if I win. I love riding my harley. It has been a dream come true for me.
I'd use the Chili's card. Hmmm...fact: I can tie a knot in a cherry stem using just my tongue!
Here's something about me, we have TWO major things in common, I am also 31, and I also have 3 boys!!! I would choose Chili's because my oldest son loves their ribs and we have one near home:)
I love to surf the internet. I would like the Applebees g/c.
I love to crochet and am currently crocheting a blanket for my sis-in-law who is due with her first in Sept! I love Chili's (Lettuce Wraps all the way!) Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it!
A unique fact, I'm working on my
3rd degree in school right now.
We would use the gift card at chili's for fajita monday! yum!
Thanks for the contest.
Hmm... Unique? Studied engineering but haven't worked as an engineer since graduating... Chilis for us, please :)
f dot chen at comcast dot net
Something unique I'm a list maker. Whatever I do I have a list for it. My choice would be Joe's Crab Shack. Thank you!
Chilis please lol
hmmm one fact.. I have moved over 55 times since I was a child til now at the old age of 30!
I'd love to win a gift card to Applebee's. I guess you could say I'm pretty unique in the fact that I can't stand the sound of nail files. They make the hairs on my skin stand up and make me nauseous. That's why my own nails are never filed.
I have two best friends, and both of them are named Angela. I would like to take Angela to AppleBee's with me.
One unique fact about me is that I was an extra in a movie before! One of hundreds of extras though, hehe.
My dad called me from Air Force One when I was about 7, and my mom and I went through the closets at Regan's ranch. (they were empty) I'd love the Chili's. We do Girl's Night there occasionally. Thank you!
Unique? I got to land on an aircraft carrier once. How's that?
I am addicted to coupons! I know there are worse things....
But i love saving money!
unique fact....hmmmm.....I love saving money....I have one son and many other children who think they should be mine.....I am very active at church....Been maried 16 years......oldest of four children and married to youngest of seven children....really could use the gc to applebees...haven't been out to dinner at place that serves you in eons.
God Bless!
Unique fact: I can cross my eyes and then move one back to its right spot...gross, I know ;)
I love Chili's, it's so family friendly and just a comfortable spot to grab a great meal!
Oooh, fun question. One unique fact: I'm vegetarian, but I operate under the 'dont ask, dont tell' policy- unless it's painfully obvious. So if you serve me potato soup made with chicken broth, just dont tell me!
I'd love a GC to applebees, thanks!
Applebees for sure!!!! My kids love to go there and we love the foods.
Thank you for a generous giveaway.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
Ooh I love Chili's. Hmm a fact about me is I'm obsessed w/ musical theatre (seeing and performing in) :)
Lets see.. I am a homeschooling mom who has 6 children ages 20,18,15,11,8 and 2. I work part time as a nursery supervisor at our church and volunteer as a youth group leader for children 2nd-5th grade. I love to paint and create for relaxation..
I would love to win on for Chilis. My 11 year old went one time with as a special time with Grandma and all she talks about is how great the food was. As you can imagine going out to eat with 6 is a rare experience. If I won I think I would take my Chilis girl just her and me.
homeschooling mom of 6
Come enter my contest to win
lesson plans on learning about Apples, 2008 election and Math games good for all children.
Let's see... I had 4 children in just under 3.5 years. The middle two are twins.
And I'd like one for Chili's!
Fact about me....I am shorter than my sister but I can sit taller than her. :)
I would prefer Applebees if I do win.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway you are having.
nothing too interesting - i found out i was having twins 2 days after i told my husband i was so glad we'd never have twins. :)
applebees. every time we drive by one, my 3 y.o, sings "what a beautiful day for Applebees." I have travelled to 4 continents. Thanks for the chance to win. Visit mine at www.mypreppypurse.blogspot.com
I make custom cakes, kind of like Duff on "Ace of Cakes." But not nearly as good! I started about a year ago.
I'd love to go to Chili's.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a Native Texan and we are all pretty darn unique! I like Applebee's. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 "at" yahoo "dot" com
One unique fact? How about that I can touch my nose with my tongue. Does that count???
And I'd love one to Joe's Crab Shack. I love me some crab legs!!!
One unique fact about me...i hate tomatos but love tomato sauce, tomato soup and ketchup!
I would love applebee's.
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I was born on Halloween. I would love a Chilis giftcard. Thanks!
A unique fact about me is that I am scared of automatic car washes lol, they freak me out.
If I win I would like Applebees.
A unique fact about me is that I'm very lucky. I win things all the time. Chili gc for me please!
Shelleyljohnson at yahoo dot com
I can't go to bed with dishes in the sink!
Chili's please!
My husband loves Applebees, so that would be a fun card to win! My unique fact: I have freckles on my eyes! :)
I would love a giftcard to Joe's. A unique fact: I have to sleep in a cold room, even when it is winter.
i'd pick applebees. interesting fact - i can put my leg behind my head. or i like salt on my apples and ketchup with my eggs
chili's..We eat out with our friends every Friday night at Chilies... a lot...
Fact: I am a homeschooling mom of ten. My kids are ages 17 to 10 months.
I would love a gift card for Applebee's! Count me in!
My unique thing - I have a birthmark on my belly button. I would like to go to Joe's Crab Shack if I win (yum seafood).
I've also linked back to you on my blog here:
I eat ketchup on everything!
I would love the Applebees gc...let's see, I'm the youngest of 7, and have nieces and nephews almost my age. Thanks.
I would go for Applebees. I don't watch much T.V. but totally love Jon & Kate plus 8. monk5@charter.net
I am left-handed and am married to another left-handed person who loves to go to Chilis.
Interesting fact...well, when people meet me, they tell me I am very laid back and so easy going. When I tell them that I love hard rock, head banging music they are always in complete shock. Kinda funny. I would use the gift card for Applebee's. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm the oldest of seven kids. I would choose Chili's!
alainamj (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
I would routinely drive the 1000 miles between home (parents) and home (where I moved) nonstop by myself starting when I was 20. People can't seem to believe I could manage it without a GPS system! :) I would probably use the gift card for Applebee's because that's what close to our house.
Let's see, I'm a mom of 4 and somehow, 2 of my children are in their 20's!!!!! Not sure how that happened since I'm forever 29!!!! I would choose Chili's. Love it!! What an awesome prize!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
A unique fact about me: When I was 15 I hitchhiked from Florida to Illinois by getting rides with truck drivers. I'm 29 now.
Thanks for the great giveaway! I'd love to win the AppleBee's card!
Applebees is the only restraunt that I would eat at in high school. I would like the Applebees gift card. What a great giveaway
A unique fact: I student taught, graduated, taught my first year of kindergarten, and got married all when I was 20! :) I'd LOVE a chili's gift card - it's my favorite! Thanks so much!
I'm terrified of coyotes and have never even seen one! Weird, huh? I'd like either Applebees or Chilis, they're both great!
I lived on a boat for a year when I was in 8th grade. Pretty unique, huh? :) I'd use the gift card at Chili's. I could really go for some chicken fajitas!
One unique fact is that I have lived in three different countries and would love the Chilis gift card! Thanks!
I am the oldest girl in a family with 10 kids. Have only lived in two states my entire life. Would love to win the chili gc. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
I would love the Chilis card. Unique-fact...My husband is 10 years older than me.
Unique fact...I'm not really that unique, but here goes...
Um, I can sit and read the whole day away...I'm talking several books in any given day. At least I could before I had two boys! :)
We only have Chili's in our area, so that's my choice!
rdw2002 at gmail dot com
hummmm,I like to play pyramid solitare a-lot!
i think applebees gc, and unique about me - i helped start the adoption agency i now work for.
I am an only child, and I hate it when I hear the term lonely only. It's not like I didn't have friends growing up. I'd like a card for Applebees.
I read magazines from back to front and I love Chili's!
I can read an entire book in an hour or two (and I mean a normal sized novel!) I'd love a gift card for Chili's!
Something unique...well, I live at 8200 ft, very thin air!! Chili's is about 10 minutes from me so that GC would be nice...thanks.
I like the outdoors and also love playing the Guitar Hero game.I would like a gc to Chilli's. Thanks!
hmmm....i was the lead singer in an indie band that toured the south east. we broke up two years ago. :(
i'd love me some chili's to give to my fiance.
alexandra dot hancock at gmail dot com
My unique fact: I could eat nothing but crab legs for the rest of my life and be completely happy (though improperly nourished). In light of that, it's odd I would choose an Applebee's GC, but I would :)
Thank you for the generous giveaway!
I'd like an applebees gift card, i can sing in a cup of water.
I am in love with camels, I collect them, I even have three camel tattoos. I would love to try out Joe's Crab Shack.
I'll give you two:
I make jewelry and miniatures.
I have 3 small grandsons. (Chilli's)
I have always wanted a Tatto -- of passionvines ad flowers on my back - one bloom for each of my kids (the flowers are weird and wonderful just like my kids).
And we LOVE Joe's - grownup food - and a PLAYGROUND for the kids!
I make spin art and have some up for sale at http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5711935 .
Does that count for unique? If not how about the fact that I can read a 300 page book in less than 24 hours? And I think Chili's would be my choice!
rosesaremyfavorite (at) hotmail (dot) com
Unique? Umm...more unique about my hubby, but he's one of nine (wow) kids, so we currently have 10 nieces and nephews so far! I would love the Applebees card
Chili's is our favorite...we are about to learn what be being parents of 3 boys is like ourselves.
Interesting fact - I've hiked to the base of the grand canyon and up again in one day.
If I was to win, I would like a card to Applebee's.
Fact about myself, I am only 4'11" short!! :)
I wear size 10 women's shoes.
gotfire at yahoo dot com
I'd love to have one for Applebees -- we don't have the other two here.
Unique....hmmm....one eyebrow is higher than the other.
I am an identical twin. I am one minute older than my twin sister. Applebees would be my choice for the GC. Thanks for the contest!
I love Applebees!
Now, you have to keep my unique fact a secret;) I play WoW with my husband and NO ONE other than him (and know you) knows that, LOL:)
I can ride a unicycle! Chilis for me please!
Thank you!
I can read upside down. Sometimes faster than regular. My fav would be Chili's. Thanks.
I can't sleep with my closet door open. I guess I never got over that even though I'm an adult now.
I could totally use this at Chili's :)
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