Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Have you filled a bucket today?

Since the big one has started kindergarten he has been exposed to all kinds of new things. Some good, some bad and some annoying as all heck. But my favorite thing he's learned so far is the bucket fillers program.

The bucket fillers program teaches kids to be more mindful of the people around them and how their actions might affect them. Seems kinda like a long stretch for a kindergartner, right? I mean they live in the here and now and don't always think things through. This program is so simple though, and even my three and two year old are benefiting from it.

Basically the jest of it is this. We all carry an imaginary bucket in our hearts. When people do nice things to or for us it fills our bucket. When people say hurtful things or do things that hurt us they dip in our buckets. Basically, by making us more aware of how we are feeling it makes us more aware of how we make others feel. It's been instilled in the kids minds that making others feel good makes them feel good as well. So that a double whammy of filling! And it's such an easy concept, the kids catch on quickly.

If you're interested in learning more, visit bucket filling 101. I attended one of the adult seminars given by the author, Carol McCloud, and honestly? It was life changing. It made me more aware of how I was parenting and how I could do better.

Oh, and one last little thing..... it makes my kids behave so much better. If they are acting up or fighting, all I have to do is mention someone dipping in someone else bucket, and boom! The situation has been diffused!!


Heather said...

I LOVE this idea!! We will definately be using it. We've been talking a lot around here about thinking before we say or do something that we know will hurt someone. This is easier to grasp :)

Nina said...

I will have to look into that. My kindergartener is picking up some bad habbits and so not so nice behavior. This might be just what he needs. Thanks!